Alfa is a Retail Automation Solution, automates its departments by technology solutions which implement its POS, Inventory, Stock Control. With this system, the admin can manage Sales, Purchase, Different Types of Reports, and Smart Barcode for items. Admin manages the backend process from masters like Create Product Group, Product Sub Group, Item Company, and Tax Type. The admin user creates the product using the listed items i.e product group, subgroup, Item Company.
Easy and Fast Billing
Inventory management
Order Management
Point of Sale (Bill Printing)
Sales & Purchase reporting and analytic
Barcode Generation
Export File Report
Cash/Credit/Multi Payment
The sales persons can sell the product by scanning the unique product barcode label to generate the bills for customers. The sales persons can manage the sales list and sale return list.
Admin can create and manage purchase items as well as purchase return items. It can transfer the bulk of purchased items from one store to another. The purchase manager purchases the products by entering the product details and generate the barcode of the products.